Average Relative Humidity in December at US Cities

The average humidity in December is listed here for the largest cities in the United States. The tables below give this month's daily averages along with morning and afternoon relative humidity levels.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold.

For each city, the Daily number gives the average of humidity readings taken every three hours throughout the day. Morning values are recorded between 4 and 6 am local standard time, when usually temperatures are coolest and humidity highest. Afternoon humidity percentages are readings taken between 3 and 5 pm local standard time, when normally the day's temperature peaks and relative humidity reaches its lowest point. All the figures are averages for the years 1961 to 1990.

Average Relative Humidity (%) in December
Daily CityMorn­ing After­noon
68 Atlanta, Georgia 77 54
68 Austin, Texas 80 52
66 Baltimore, Maryland 72 56
71 Birmingham, Alabama 81 56
65 Boston, Massachusetts 70 60
78 Buffalo, New York 80 74
67 Charlotte, North Carolina 77 53
76 Chicago, Illinois 80 68
74 Cincinnati, Ohio 78 65
74 Cleveland, Ohio 77 70
74 Columbus, Ohio 78 67
68 Dallas, Texas 79 51
57 Denver, Colorado 65 51
77 Detroit, Michigan 80 70
84 Fresno, California 88 67
80 Grand Rapids, Michigan 83 74
68 Hartford, Connecticut 74 60
72 Honolulu, Hawaii 78 61
76 Houston, Texas 87 57
Daily CityMorn­ing After­noon
78 Indianapolis, Indiana 82 70
77 Jacksonville, Florida 87 58
71 Kansas City, Missouri 78 60
45 Las Vegas, Nevada 55 32
63 Los Angeles, California 69 60
70 Louisville, Kentucky 75 61
69 Memphis, Tennessee 77 58
73 Miami, Florida 83 60
76 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 80 70
74 Minneapolis, Minnesota 78 67
71 Nashville, Tennessee 81 59
77 New Orleans, Louisiana 86 62
64 New York, New York 69 59
68 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 78 52
75 Orlando, Florida 87 55
68 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 74 60
52 Phoenix, Arizona 66 33
72 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 76 66
Daily CityMorn­ing After­noon
83 Portland, Oregon 86 78
67 Providence, Rhode Island 73 60
69 Raleigh, North Carolina 78 53
69 Richmond, Virginia 78 55
78 Rochester, New York 80 73
83 Sacramento, California 90 70
74 Salt Lake City, Utah 79 71
68 San Antonio, Texas 80 50
64 San Diego, California 70 58
78 San Francisco, California 85 67
80 Seattle, Washington 82 77
76 St. Louis, Missouri 83 64
75 Tampa, Florida 86 57
50 Tucson, Arizona 56 34
69 Tulsa, Oklahoma 78 59
67 Virginia Beach, Virginia 73 59
64 Washington, DC 70 56

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

US City Humidity
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