Average Precipitation in US Cities During April

The tables below give monthly averages for precipitation during April at the largest cities in the United States.

Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month along with information on the number of days with wet weather. The count of days includes those when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more.

The precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

April averages for total precipitation by city
Days City Inches Milli­metres
9 Atlanta, Georgia 3.8 97
7 Austin, Texas 2.4 61
11 Baltimore, Maryland 3.4 86
9 Birmingham, Alabama 5.1 129
12 Boston, Massachusetts 3.6 92
13 Buffalo, New York 3.4 86
9 Charlotte, North Carolina 3.8 98
12 Chicago, Illinois 4.2 105
13 Cincinnati, Ohio 4.5 115
15 Cleveland, Ohio 3.8 95
14 Columbus, Ohio 3.9 98
7 Dallas, Texas 3.2 80
8 Denver, Colorado 1.7 42
13 Detroit, Michigan 3.3 83
5 Fresno, California 1.0 26
13 Grand Rapids, Michigan 4.0 101
12 Hartford, Connecticut 3.9 99
8 Honolulu, Hawaii 0.8 20
8 Houston, Texas 4.1 104
Days City Inches Milli­metres
12 Indianapolis, Indiana 4.3 110
7 Jacksonville, Florida 2.4 61
11 Kansas City, Missouri 4.1 103
2 Las Vegas, Nevada 0.2 5
3 Los Angeles, California 0.7 18
12 Louisville, Kentucky 4.8 122
10 Memphis, Tennessee 5.9 149
7 Miami, Florida 3.4 85
12 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 3.9 98
11 Minneapolis, Minnesota 2.9 74
11 Nashville, Tennessee 4.7 120
7 New Orleans, Louisiana 5.2 133
11 New York, New York 4.1 104
8 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 3.6 91
7 Orlando, Florida 2.7 69
11 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3.5 88
2 Phoenix, Arizona 0.2 6
14 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3.3 84
Days City Inches Milli­metres
17 Portland, Oregon 3.6 92
12 Providence, Rhode Island 4.3 109
10 Raleigh, North Carolina 3.5 90
11 Richmond, Virginia 3.2 81
4 Riverside, California 0.6 14
13 Rochester, New York 3.0 76
5 Sacramento, California 1.4 37
10 Salt Lake City, Utah 2.2 55
6 San Antonio, Texas 2.4 61
4 San Diego, California 0.7 17
7 San Francisco, California 1.6 41
6 San Jose, California 1.1 27
15 Seattle, Washington 3.2 81
12 St. Louis, Missouri 4.7 120
6 Tampa, Florida 2.6 65
2 Tucson, Arizona 0.2 6
9 Tulsa, Oklahoma 4.4 111
10 Virginia Beach, Virginia 3.4 86
11 Washington, DC 3.2 82

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Climate Normals.

US City Precipitation
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