Phoenix Weather Averages
Phoenix, Arizona enjoys sunny, dry weather year round. It's the temperature that varies the most. Winters are pleasantly mild, springs and falls are warm, while daytime highs of over 100 degree F (above 38 °C) are the norm throughout summers.
This page gives detailed information on the annual temperature, precipitation, sun, humidity, wind and storm averages for Phoenix. The weather measurements are averages based on climate data gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, located near the city center.
87 °F | annual average high | 31 °C |
64 °F | annual average low | 18 °C |
Phoenix's coldest days of the year usually occur in late December when the daily maximum temperature averages 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) and the minimum averages 44 °F (7 °C).
The year's hottest days are normally in late June through the first half of July. The average temperature peaks then with daily highs of 107 °F (42 °C). The hottest nights occur during the second half of July when the daily low averages 85 °F (29 °C).
234 days | 80 °F max. or more (27 °C) |
88 days | 50 °F min. or less (10 °C) |
Phoenix averages 111 days a year when the thermometer reaches into the 100s °F (over 38 °C).
The thermometer dips to 40 °F (4 °C) or below on an average of 14 nights a year. Most years, Phoenix does not get cold enough for frost.
7.2 in | total precipitation | 183 mm |
33 days | of rain |
Phoenix is dry all year, with no single month averaging more than one inch of rain. May and June are usually the driest months, each typically receiving less an eighth of an inch of rain.
85 % | sunshine |
211 days | clear skies |
The sun's rays reach the ground in Phoenix during 85 percent of daylight hours on average year round, for a total of 3778 hours annually. Typically on 211 days a year the sky is mainly clear, with at most 30 percent cloud cover.
Sunlight in Phoenix averages 12 hours and 10 minutes a day. The shortest days of the year in mid December have 9 hours and 56 minutes of daylight. The year's longest days in mid June last 14:23 from sunrise to sunset.
37 % | average humidity |
The annual average for relative humidity in Phoenix ranges throughout the day from 51 percent at 5:00 am to 23 percent at 5:00 pm.
Local Time | 2 am | 5 am | 8 am | 11 am | 2 pm | 5 pm | 8 pm | 11 pm |
Humidity % | 46 | 51 | 47 | 32 | 24 | 23 | 31 | 39 |
6.2 mph | wind speed average | 10.0 kph |
July is usually the windiest month for Phoenix, while the wind is calmest during December.
1 day | precipitation of 1 inch (25 mm) or more |
25 days | with thunderstorms a year |
Thunderstorms usually appear over Phoenix from May to October.
The weather data here are long-term averages provided by the US National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Temperature and precipitation are 1991-2020 normals while humidity and thunderstorms are 1961-1990 normals.