Average Sunshine in Turkey for July

The tables below give July averages for the amount of sunshine at dozens of cities throughout Turkey.

The cities are grouped for each region of the country: Marmara Region, Aegean Turkey, Mediterranean Turkey, Black Sea Turkey, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia.

The averages are for the number of hours a day with sun and the total hours of sun in July. The month's data are based on weather measurements made from 1991 to 2020.

Marmara Region

Hours of sunshine in July
Place Day Month
Balikesir 9.5 295
Bursa 9.7 301
Çanakkale 11.0 341
Edirne 9.3 288
İstanbul 11.5 357
İzmit (Kocaeli) 9.3 288
Sakarya (Adapazari) 8.9 276

Aegean Turkey

July sunshine averages (hours)
Place Day Month
Afon (Afyonkarahisar) 10.7 332
Aydin 9.4 291
İzmir 12.3 381
Manisa 9.3 288
Muğla 10.0 310

Mediterranean Turkey

Average July sun
Place Day Month
Adana 10.1 313
Antalya 11.1 344
Hatay (Antakya) 11.0 341
Maras (Kahramanmaraş) 10.3 319
Mersin (İçel) 10.1 313

Black Sea Turkey

Total hours of sun on average
Place Day Month
Bolu 8.4 260
Ordu 6.1 189
Rize 5.7 177
Samsun 9.0 279
Sinop 8.7 270
Trabzon 5.7 177
Zonguldak 8.9 276

Central Anatolia

Average hours of sunshine in July
Place Day Month
Ankara 10.6 329
Eskişehir 10.6 329
Kayseri 11.5 357
Konya 11.1 344
Nevşehir 11.8 366

Eastern Anatoli

July sunshine averages in hours
Place Day Month
Elâzığ 10.8 335
Erzurum 10.7 332
Kars 10.2 316
Van 12.0 372

Southeastern Anatolia

Number of sunny hours on average
Place Day Month
Diyarbakır 11.7 363
Gaziantep 8.9 276
Mardin 12.6 391
Urfa (Şanlıurfa) 11.6 360

T.C. ÇEVRE, ŞEHİRCİLİK VE İKLİM DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ BAKANLIĞI. Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Resmi İstatistikler. İllere Ait Mevsim Normalleri (1991-2020).

Turkey Sunshine
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