Weather on the Canary Islands:
Annual Average Temperature, Rain, Sun and Humidity

The tables below list the normal annual temperatures and rainfall for cities on the Canary Islands.

There's also information here on yearly average sunshine and humidity levels for the islands of El Hierro, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma and Tenerife.

The measures of climate are averages of data collected at weather stations from 1971 to 2000.

The weather stations sit near sea level except Izaña Mountain, which is at 2371 metres (7779 feet) elevation on the island of Tenerife. The high elevation gives the mountain cool temperatures and typically 13 days a year of snowfall.


Average annual temperatures
Island Place High
73 64 El Hierro Valverde 23 18
75 63 Fuerte­ventura Puerto del Rosario 24 17
75 64 Gran Cana­ria Las Palmas de Gran Cana­ria 24 18
76 62 Lanza­rote Arrecife 25 17
73 64 La Palma Villa de Mazo 23 18
76 64 Tene­rife Granadi­lla de Abona 25 18
56 43 Tene­rife Izaña Mountain 14 6
68 55 Tene­rife San Cristóbal de La Laguna 20 13
76 64 Tene­rife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 24 18


Average yearly precipitation
Days Island Place Inches Milli­metres
19 El Hierro Valverde 6.7 170
15 Fuerte­ventura Puerto del Rosario 4.1 105
21 Gran Cana­ria Las Palmas de Gran Cana­ria 5.3 134
20 Lanza­rote Arrecife 4.3 110
39 La Palma Villa de Mazo 12.8 324
14 Tene­rife Granadi­lla de Abona 4.6 116
34 Tene­rife Izaña Mountain 17.3 440
66 Tene­rife San Cristóbal de La Laguna 21.9 557
31 Tene­rife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 8.4 214


Total sunshine a year
Hours Island Place Clear Days
2339 El Hierro Valverde 63
2841 Fuerte­ventura Puerto del Rosario 79
2805 Gran Cana­ria Las Palmas de Gran Cana­ria 65
2944 Lanza­rote Arrecife 75
2087 La Palma Villa de Mazo 60
2670 Tene­rife Granadi­lla de Abona 116
3433 Tene­rife Izaña Mountain 184
2444 Tene­rife San Cristóbal de La Laguna 46
2851 Tene­rife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 93


Average relative humidity (%)
Island Place Humidity
El Hierro Valverde 75
Fuerte­ventura Puerto del Rosario 70
Gran Cana­ria Las Palmas de Gran Cana­ria 68
Lanza­rote Arrecife 71
La Palma Villa de Mazo 71
Tene­rife Granadi­lla de Abona 67
Tene­rife Izaña Mountain 48
Tene­rife San Cristóbal de La Laguna 73
Tene­rife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 63

AEMET (Agencia Estatal De Meteorologia, Gobierno de España). Valores Climatológicos Normales.

Canary Islands
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