Hilton Head Island Weather Averages
Most days at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina have moderately warm temperatures. The beach resort receives its driest and sunniest weather in spring. Then during summer both rainfall and humidity increase .
This page gives detailed information on the annual weather averages for Hilton Head Island.
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Temperature Precipitation Sun Humidity Storms
The temperature and rainfall numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered at Hilton Head Island. The humidity and sunshine measurements are averages from the Savannah / Hilton Head International Airport.
76 °F | annual average high | 24 °C |
57 °F | annual average low | 14 °C |
Hilton Head Island's coldest days of the year usually occur in late December and early January when the daily maximum temperature averages 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius). The coldest nights arrive in mid January with a minimum temperature averaging 40 °F (4 °C).
The year's hottest days are normally in mid July. The average temperature peaks then with daily highs of 90 °F (32 °C) and nighttime lows of 74 °F (23 °C).
152 days | 80 °F max. or more (27 °C) |
118 days | 50 °F min. or less (10 °C) |
Most days at Hilton Head Island have a temperature of over 50 °F (10 °C). The Island averages 32 days a year when the thermometer reaches into the 90s °F (over 32 °C). It doesn't get as hot as 100 °F (38 °C) here every year.
The thermometer dips below freezing on an average of 17 nights a year. Hilton Head Island gets as cold as 10 °F (-12 °C) about once a decade.
50.3 in | total precipitation | 1278 mm |
100 days | of rainfall |
August is usually the wettest month of the year at Hilton Head Island, while May is the driest.
62 % | sunshine |
104 days | clear skies |
The sun's rays reach the ground in Hilton Head Island during 62 percent of daylight hours on average year round, for a total of 2755 hours annually. Typically on 104 days a year the sky is mainly clear, with at most 30 percent cloud cover.
Sunlight at the resort town averages 12 hours and 10 minutes a day. The shortest days of the year in mid December have 10 hours and 2 minutes of daylight. The year's longest days in mid June last 14:16 from sunrise to sunset.
72 % | average humidity |
The annual average for relative humidity in Hilton Head Island ranges throughout the day from 86 percent at 7:00 am to 54 percent at 1:00 pm standard time.
Local Time | 1 am | 4 am | 7 am | 10 am | 1 pm | 4 pm | 7 pm | 10 pm |
Humidity % | 83 | 85 | 86 | 66 | 54 | 54 | 68 | 79 |
16 days | precipitation of 1 inch (25 mm) or more |
4 % | chance a named storm makes landfall |
In any year, there's a 3 percent probability that a hurricane will reach land in Beaufort county, which includes Hilton Head Island. For major hurricanes of category 3 to 5, the likelihood drops to 1 percent. Named storms usually arrive during the months of June to November, while hurricanes are generally restricted to August, September and October.
The chances that a wind gust reaches 40 miles per hour (64 kilometres an hour) or greater is 24 percent a year. Intense hurricane force winds that top 115 mph (185 kph) have a 2 percent probability of blasting the county.
These weather data are long-term historical averages provided by the National Climatic Data Center of the United States. The temperature and precipitation numbers are 1981-2010 normals while the humidity statistics are 1961-1990 normals. The named storm and wind gust probability information comes from United States Landfalling Hurricane Probability Project of Colorado State University and Bridgewater State University.