Humidity Levels in Kentucky During October

The average humidity in October is listed below for places in Kentucky. The tables give daily averages along with highest and lowest relative humidity levels.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold.

All the numbers here are averages for the years 1961 to 1990.

Average Humidity

In this table, the Daily number is the average of humidity readings taken every three hours throughout the day. Morning percentages are for 7 am and Afternoon measures are for 4 pm local standard time.

Average relative humidity (%) in October
Daily Place Morning Afternoon
69 Covington 83 52
67 Jackson 81 52
69 Lexington 84 52
70 Louisville 85 51

Highest and Lowest Humidity

Below are the averages during October for maximum and minimum humidity levels in Kentucky. The hours when this month's highest and lowest humidity readings usually occur are given in local standard time.

Daily high and low relative humidity (%) averages in October
High Time Place Low Time
83.2 7 am Covington 51.9 4 pm
81.2 7 am Jackson 52.2 4 pm
83.5 7 am Lexington 52.1 4 pm
84.9 7 am Louisville 51.4 4 pm

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

Kentucky Humidity
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