Average Annual Precipitation for France

The tables below give yearly averages for rainfall plus snowfall at cities in France. Each place has a total for how many days of wet weather it usually gets a year and for the normal amount of precipitation.

There's a separate table for each corner of the country: Southeast, Southwest, Northeast and Northwest, plus Central France.

The calculation of days only includes the days when precipitation totalled at least one millimetre (0.04 inches). The annual amount of precipitation is an average of weather data collected during 1991 to 2020.

Southeastern France

Average yearly precipitation
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
68 Ajaccio, Corsica 25.0 635
67 Bastia, Corsica 32.2 817
110 Bourg-Saint-Maurice 38.4 976
64 Cannes 34.7 881
88 Carcassonne 26.2 665
152 Chastreix 63.0 1600
104 Grenoble 36.0 915
104 Lyon 34.0 863
124 Mont Aigoual 77.6 1970
78 Montelimar 36.2 920
58 Montpellier 25.2 639
62 Nice 31.2 791
54 Perpignan 22.8 578
58 Toulon 24.9 633

Southwestern France

Annual averages for rainfall plus snowfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
141 Biarritz 58.0 1474
925 Bordeaux 36.4 925
127 Pau 43.1 1094
122 Tarbes 42.6 1081
95 Toulouse  25.0 636

Central France

Average amount of rain and snow a year
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
87 Clermont-Ferrand 22.2 563
112 Dijon 29.3 743
114 La Rochelle 29.7 754
134 Limoges 40.1 1018
109 Orléans25.0 636
109 Paris 25.0 634
109 Poitiers 27.4 695
109 Tours 26.7 678

Northeastern France

Average annual precipitation
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
136 Besançon 45.6 1157
121 Calais 29.0 737
102 Colmar 22.0 558
126 Lille 29.1 740
118 Metz 28.1 714
120 Nancy 29.4 746
112 Strasbourg 25.0 636
113 Troyes 25.4 645
111 Angers 27.6 701

Northwestern France

Annual precipitation totals
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
160 Brest 48.4 1230
126 Caen 29.1 740
112 Le Mans 27.3 693
130 Lorient 37.1 943
120 Nantes 32.3 820
115 Rennes 27.2 691
134 Rouen 33.4 848
130 Saint-Brieuc 29.8 757

Météo France. Climatologie. Normales et records. Données publiques. Fiche climatologique.

France Precipitation
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