Average Sunshine a Year in France

The tables below give yearly averages for the number of sunny days and hours of sunshine at dozens of cities throughout France.

There's a separate table for each corner of the country: Southeast, Southwest, Northeast and Northwest, plus Central France.

For most places the total number of hours in a year with sunshine is an average of data collected from 1991 to 2020, while the rest are averages from 1991 to 2010. The numbers of days with strong and weak sunshine are based on measurements made from 1991 to 2000.

Southeastern France

Total annual sunshine
Hours Place Days of
Strong Sun
Days of
Weak Sun
2802 Ajaccio (Corsica) 157 64
2645 Bastia (Corsica) 124 68
2009 Bourg-Saint-Maurice 31 108
2743 Cannes
2170 Carcassonne 89 112
2108 Grenoble 88 122
1947 Lyon 81 128
2858 Marseille 170 60
2441 Montelimar 111 89
2705 Montpellier 148 74
2761 Nice 147 64
2489 Perpignan 120 79
2839 Toulon 166 62

Southwestern France

The weather data below are for cities in the regions of Aquitaine and Midi - Pyrénées. This portion of France ranges from the Atlantic coast to the Pyrenees mountains along France's southern border.

Average amount of sunshine yearly
Hours Place Days of
Strong Sun
Days of
Weak Sun
1921 Biarritz 71 131
2070 Bordeaux 80 112
1910 Pau
1964 Tarbes 83 124
2031 Toulouse 84 119

Central France

Annual average sun
Hours Place Days of
Strong Sun
Days of
Weak Sun
1958 Clermont-Ferrand 72 131
1890 Dijon 71 142
2303 La Rochelle 83 111
1922 Limoges 83 141
1823 Orléans 60 144
1717 Paris 51 152
1941 Poitiers 70 132
1885 Tours 65 138

Northeastern France

Number of sunny hours and days a year on average
Hours Place Days of
Strong Sun
Days of
Weak Sun
Besançon 73 147
1799 Colmar 62 145
Lille 44 155
1640 Metz 52 162
Nancy 56 161
1747 Strasbourg 60 160
1851 Troyes 67 143

Northwestern France

Average total sunshine yearly
Hours Place Days of
Strong Sun
Days of
Weak Sun
1798 Angers 60 134
1555 Brest 41 159
1746 Caen 44 143
1809 Le Mans 61 140
1865 Lorient 57 134
1873 Nantes 58 134
1762 Rennes 50 141
1554 Rouen 43 162
1616 Saint-Brieuc 38 152

Météo France. Climatologie. Normales et records. Données publiques. Fiche climatologique.

France Sunshine
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