Average Snowfall for Yukon in November

The tables below list monthly averages for snowfall during November at places in the Yukon.

You can jump to a separate table for Southern, and Central & Northern Yukon.

The numbers are for the total amount of new snow and how many days it snows at least 0.2 centimetres (0.08 inches) this month. The snowfall totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.

Southern Yukon

This section covers places along the Alaska Highway, from Watson Lake at the east end where the highway first enters the Yukon from British Columbia, west to Beaver Creek near the Alaska border.

November snowfall averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
8 Beaver Creek 7.6 19
10 Burwash Landing 6.2 16
7 Carcross 10.8 27
8 Haines Junction 13.2 34
13 Johnsons Crossing 12.9 33
8 Otter Falls 6.7 17
14 Teslin 10.9 28
15 Watson Lake 13.5 34
12 Whitehorse 10.6 27

Central & Northern Yukon

Places in the Central Yukon are reached from the Klondike Highway, starting with Lake Laberge near the highway's south end, northwest to Dawson City. From the Klondike Highway, Faro lies east of Carmacks, while Mayo is northeast of Stewart Crossing. Old Crow, a village north of the Arctic Circle on the Porcupine River, is the Yukon's northernmost settlement.

Total amount of snow in November on average
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
8 Braeburn 7.8 20
13 Dawson City 14.3 36
13 Faro 8.5 22
9 Lake Laberge 7.4 19
13 Mayo 12.5 32
13 Old Crow 8.5 22
11 Pelly Crossing 10.2 26

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Yukon Snowfall
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