Average Sunshine in Manitoba for October

The tables below give October averages for the number of sunny days and hours of sunshine at cities and towns in Manitoba.

The places are grouped into separate tables for Southern and Northern Manitoba.

Each place has three measures of sunshine. The number for % Sun is the usual percentage of daylight hours with bright sunshine.

Hours gives the total hours of bright sunshine that's normal this month. Days statistics are for the typical number of days in October with any amount of measurable sunshine. All the data are averages for the years 1981 to 2010.

Southern Manitoba

Total October sunshine
% Sun Place Hours Days
49 Brandon 164 27
42 Dauphin 140 26
41 Gimli 138 27
45 Morden 150 27
44 Winnipeg 147 26

Northern Manitoba

Average October sun
% Sun Place Hours Days
18 Churchill 58 17
26 Lynn Lake 84 21
36 The Pas 119 25
28 Thompson 92 22

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Manitoba Sunshine
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