Average Snowfall for Manitoba in December

The tables below list monthly averages for snowfall during December at cities and towns in Manitoba.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the province: Southeastern, Southwestern and Northern Manitoba.

The numbers are for the total amount of new snow and how many days it snows at least 0.2 centimetres (0.08 inches) this month. The snowfall totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.

Southeastern Manitoba

December snowfall averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
11 Emerson 11.7 29.7
14 Gimli 8.9 22.7
7 Hodgson 16.4 41.6
10 Morden 7.1 18.0
9 Portage La Prairie 9.6 24.5
4 Selkirk 5.5 14.0
8 Steinbach 9.1 23.2
12 Winnipeg 9.0 23.0

Southwestern Manitoba

Total amount of snow in December on average
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
10 Brandon 9.8 24.9
11 Dauphin 8.4 21.3
10 McCreary 10.7 27.3
8 Swan River 9.4 23.8
7 Turtle Mountain Park 8.0 20.3

Northern Manitoba

Average total snowfall in December
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
12 Churchill 9.0 22.9
5 Cross Lake 9.0 22.9
12 Flin Flon 9.7 24.6
15 Gillam 11.4 28.9
10 Grand Rapids 8.8 22.4
12 Lynn Lake 10.2 26.0
14 Norway House 13.2 33.6
12 The Pas 10.7 27.3
13 Thompson 10.6 27.0

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Manitoba Snowfall
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