December Sunshine Averages for Austria

The tables below give December averages for the amount of sunshine received at cities and towns throughout Austria.

Each place has three measures of sunshine. The number for % Sun is the usual percentage of daylight hours when the sun shines. Hours gives the total hours of sunshine this month normally has.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: Western Austria that includes the regions of Tyrol (Tirol) and Vorarlberg, Southern and Central Austria which covers Carinthia (Kärnten), Salzburg and Styria (Steiermark) and Northern and Eastern Austria which takes in Burgenland, Lower Austria (Niederösterreich), Upper Austria (Oberösterreich) plus Vienna (Wien).

Days data are for the typical number of days in December that are mainly sunny. That's when cloud covered the sun for no more than 20 percent of the day.

The month's hours and percentage of sun for most places are averages of weather data collected during 1981 to 2010, while the rest use 1971 to 2000 averages. The number of sunny days is based on measurements made from 1971 to 2000.

Western Austria

Total December sunshine
% Sun Place Hours Days
22 Bregenz 44 2
45 Innsbruck 83 4
45 Lienz 74 8
Mayrhofen 11 7
48 Nauders 62 7
48 Obergurgl 36 7
Reutte 81 6

Southern and Central Austria

Average amount of sun in December
% Sun Place Hours Days
Bad Gastein 30 7
33 Graz 80 3
25 Klagenfurt 62 2
47 Saalbach-Hinterglemm 48 7
27 Salzburg 63 2
41 Schladming 61 5
44 Schmittenhöhe 111 7
44 Sonnblick Mountain 115 5
35 Villach 73 3
36 Zell am See 58 3

Northern and Eastern Austria

Average December sun
% Sun Place Hours Days
40 Bad Aussee 50
20 Eisenstadt 53 2
21 Gmunden 31 1
39 Krippenstein 99 8
16 Linz 36 2
23 Neusiedl am See 55 3
21 Sankt Pölten 46 2
29 St. Wolfgang 58 2
21 Vienna 51 2

ZAMG. Zentralanstalt fur Meteorologie und Geodynamik. Klimadaten von Österreich 1971 - 2000. Daten.

ZAMG. Zentralanstalt fur Meteorologie und Geodynamik. Klima. Informationsportal Klimawandel. Daten-Download. Klimamittel.

Austria Sunshine
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