Days of Sunshine Per Year in Alaska

Number of Sunny Days

In the table below, the average number of Sunny Days for a place in Alaska is the total days in a year when the sky is mostly clear. This includes the days when cloud covers up to 30% of the sky during daylight hours.

Partly Sunny Days have cloud covering from 40% to 70% of the sky during the daytime. The rest of the days are mainly overcast, with at least 80% cloud cover. Total Days With Sun is a sum of the Sunny plus Partly Sunny days. All the numbers are annual averages, made from years of weather watching.

You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Southeast, South - Central, Southwest and Far North Alaska.

Southeast Alaska

Annual days of sunshine
Place Sunny Partly Sunny Total Days
With Sun
Annette Island 40 60 100
Juneau 44 41 85
Yakutat 41 46 87

South - Central Alaska

Days of sunshine a year
Place Sunny Partly Sunny Total Days
With Sun
Anchorage 61 65 126
Fairbanks 70 86 156
Gulkana 67 89 156
Homer 65 75 140
Talkeetna 67 67 134
Valdez 57 57 114

Southwest Alaska

Sunny days annually
Place Sunny Partly Sunny Total Days
With Sun
Bethel 62 65 127
Cold Bay 10 50 60
King Salmon 51 69 120
Kodiak 59 74 133
McGrath 67 72 139
St Paul Island 18 61 79

Far North Alaska

Number of days with sun in an average year
Place Sunny Partly Sunny Total Days
With Sun
Bettles 86 93 179
Kotzebue 100 72 172
Nome 91 69 160

Amount of Sun

Here's another way to look at how much sunshine a place gets. The % Sun number measures the percentage of time between sunrise and sunset that sunshine reaches the ground. Again, these amounts are yearly averages based on many years of weather observations.

Percent sunshine yearly
Place % Sun
Anchorage 41
Juneau 30
Nome 42

National Climatic Data Center. Comparative Climatic Data.

Alaska Sunshine
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