Winnipeg - Recent Annual Temperatures and Precipitation

The numbers here describe what the weather in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada was like for every year since 2010. A series of tables gives data by year for temperature and precipitation.

They begin with average maximum and minimum temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. That's followed by how many really hot and cold days occurred each year. Then there's information on how much rain and snow actually landed during recent years, as well as how often Winnipeg had wet weather.

The climate data come from weather measurements made at Winnipeg International Airport.

Temperature Weather iconTemperature

Winnipeg temperature averages by year
High °F Low °F Year High °C Low °C
50 29 2023 10 -1
45 26 2022 7 -4
51 29 2021 11 -2
49 28 2020 9 -2
45 26 2019 7 -4
47 26 2018 8 -3
49 28 2017 9 -2
50 31 2016 10 -1
50 29 2015 10 -2
45 24 2014 7 -4
45 24 2013 7 -5
51 29 2012 11 -1
49 30 2010 10 -1
Number of days each year when the temperature in Winnipeg dropped to -18 or 0 or below, or rose to at least 21 or 32 degrees Celsius
-18 °C
0 °F
0 °C
32 °F
Year 21 °C
70 °F
32 °C
90 °F
47 188 2023 123 5
77 188 2022 97 2
46 194 2021 120 17
40 208 2020 104 6
72 194 2019 97 3
61 204 2018 109 10
43 185 2017 94 3
45 174 2016 110 1
55 182 2015 113 3
92 188 2014 94 3
85 203 2013 112 6
48 182 2012 108 6
54 169 2010 98 1

Rainy Weather iconPrecipitation

This table gives the total precipitation that fell on Winnipeg during each year from 2010. The number of days with precipitation counts the days when rain or snowfall amounted to 0.254 millimeters (0.01 inches) or more.

Total precipitation in Winnipeg
Days Year Inches Milli­metres
83 2023 14.6 372
109 2022 30.2 766
80 2021 15.0 381
95 2019 18.0 456
100 2018 13.9 354
83 2017 12.9 326
94 2016 21.1 536
81 2015 18.7 474
94 2014 17.7 449
72 2013 13.0 329
152 2012 17.0 433
147 2011 16.0 407
143 2010 28.4 722

Environment and Climate Change Canada. Historical Climate Data. Historical Data

Jay Lawrimore. 2016. Global Summary of the Year, Version 1.0. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. 

Winnipeg - Extremes
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