Average Rainfall for Portugal in April

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall during April at cities in Portugal.

Each place has a total for how many days of wet weather it usually gets this month and for the normal amount of precipitation. The calculation of days only includes the days when precipitation totalled at least one millimetre (0.04 inches).

The month's rainfall totals are average of weather data collected from 1971 to 2000.

You can jump to a separate table for each part of the country: Southern, Lisbon Region, Central and Northern Portugal.

Southern Portugal

Cities in this section are in the Algarve & Alentejo regions. Faro and Vila Real de Santo Antonio are on Portugal's south coast.

Average monthly precipitation in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
8 Beja 2.4 62
8 Évora 2.3 58
6 Faro 1.6 41
9 Portalegre 3.1 78
Vila Real de Santo Antonio 1.8 47

Lisbon Region

April averages for total rainfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
Alcobaça 3.0 76
9 Lisbon (Lisboa) 2.5 65
9 Santarém 2.6 66
8 Setúbal 2.5 63

Central Portugal

Average amount of rain in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
12 Aveiro 3.5 90
8 Castelo Branco 2.3 58
11 Coimbra 3.3 85
10 Guarda 3.3 83
12 Penhas Douradas 5.6 141
11 Viseu 4.1 105

Northern Portugal

Precipitation totals for April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
12 Braga 4.8 123
9 Bragança 2.4 62
11 Porto 4.6 116
12 Viana do Castelo 4.6 118
9 Vila Real 3.2 82

Instituto de Meteorologia, IP Portugal. Normais Climatológicas 71-00.

Portugal Precipitation
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