Average October Wind Speeds in the Netherlands

The tables below give the average wind speed and the number of days with strong winds in October for cities and other places around the Netherlands.

Each location has an average wind speed for the month in miles per hour (MPH) and kilometres per hour (KPH). Plus there's a total for the average number of days with wind gusts of at least 47 MPH or 75.6 KPH.

Strong gusts are defined here as winds with speeds greater than 76 KPH (47 MPH or 40 knots).

All the numbers here are based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020.

You can jump to a separate table for each region of the country: North Netherlands, East Netherlands, West Netherlands and South Netherlands.

North Netherlands covers the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. East Netherlands includes Overijssel, Gelderland and Flevoland. West Netherlands provinces are Utrecht, North Holland, South Holland and Zeeland. South Netherlands has North Brabant and Limburg provinces.

North Netherlands

Average days with strong gusts and wind speed in October
Days Place MPH KPH
0.8 Groningen 9.2 14.8
0.7 Hoogeveen 8.7 14.0
1.2 Leeuwarden 10.3 16.6
1.1 Oldambt 11.4 18.4
1.7 Stavoren 13.2 21.2

East Netherlands

October wind speed averages
Days Place MPH KPH
0.5 Arnhem 8.5 13.7
0.5 Berkelland 7.2 11.5
0.5 Enschede 7.6 12.2
0.8 Lelystad 9.6 15.5
0.7 Lingewaal 8.7 14.0
0.6 Noordoostpolder 9.2 14.8
0.3 Zwolle 6.5 10.4

West Netherlands

Wind speed averages for October
Days Place MPH KPH
1.4 Amsterdam 11.2 18.0
2.4 Den Helder 13.0 20.9
Hoek van Holland 17.0 27.4
1.5 Leiden 10.5 16.9
0.7 Lopik 9.4 15.1
1.2 Rotterdam 9.8 15.8
0.6 Terneuzen 8.9 14.4
0.4 Utrecht 7.8 12.6
2.8 Vlissingen 15.0 24.1

South Netherlands

Total days with strong gusts and average wind speed in October
Days Place MPH KPH
0.3 Breda 8.1 13.0
0.5 Eindhoven 8.3 13.3
0.7 Maastricht 9.4 15.1
0.6 Uden 8.3 13.3
0.3 Venlo 6.7 10.8

KNMI, Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut. Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Klimaatviewer

Netherlands Wind
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