Average Rainfall in Mexico for September

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall during September at cities in Mexico. Each place has a total for days of wet weather and for the amount of rain it gets on average this month.

The calculation of rainy days only includes days when rainfall totalled 0.004 inches (0.1 millimetres) or more.

The precipitation totals are averages of weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.

You can jump to a separate table for different regions of the country: Baja California, Northern Mexico, The Bajio, Central Mexico, Pacific Coast and Yucatán Peninsula.

Baja California

Rain totals here are for places in the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur in northwest Mexico.

Average monthly precipitation in September
Days City Inches Milli­metres
4 Cabo San Lucas 4.6 116
5 La Paz 2.6 67
1 Mexicali 0.3 7
4 San Jose del Cabo 6.1 156
1 Tijuana 0.2 4

Northern Mexico

This section covers the states of Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, Sinaloa and Sonora.

September averages for total rainfall
Days City Inches Milli­metres
10 Culiacán 5.7 145
9 Durango 2.8 71
6 Hermosillo 2.7 69
8 Monterrey 5.0 126
8 Saltillo 2.5 64
5 Torreón 1.7 43

The Bajio

These cities are in Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Querétaro and San Luis Potosí states.

Average amount of rain in September
Days City Inches Milli­metres
9 Aguascalientes 3.2 81
10 Guanajuato City 4.5 114
10 León 4.4 112
8 Querétaro 2.8 70
11 San Luis Potosí 2.6 67

Central Mexico

Rainfall totals here are for places in the states of Distrito Federal, Puebla and Veracruz.

Precipitation totals for September
Days City Inches Milli­metres
7 Mexico City 1.5 38
19 Puebla 7.9 200
14 Tampico 10.9 277
17 Veracruz 12.2 311

Pacific Coast

This list covers the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit and Oaxaca

September rainfall averages
Days City Inches Milli­metres
15 Acapulco 12.1 308
15 Guadalajara 6.9 176
14 Ixtapa & Zihuatanejo 13.5 343
17 Morelia 5.1 130
12 Oaxaca 4.8 123
20 Puerto Vallarta 16.9 429
16 San Blas 12.1 307
19 San Cristobal de las Casas 8.5 217
18 Taxco 8.6 220
18 Tuxtla Gutiérrez 7.5 191

Yucatán Peninsula

These cities are in the states of Quintana Roo, Tobasco and Yucatán.

Average total September precipitation
Days City Inches Milli­metres
14 Cancun 7.2 184
14 Mérida 6.7 170
11 Tulum 6.2 158
17 Villahermosa 12.4 314

CONAGUA. Comisión Nacional Del Agua. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, México. Normales Climatológicas por Estación

Mexico Rainfall
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