Jamaica Weather: Average Annual Temperature & Rainfall

The tables below give the annual average temperatures and rainfall for cities and popular vacation spots in Jamaica. There's also information here on average humidity and daily sunshine.

The measures of climate are averages of data collected at weather stations over several decades.

The weather stations sit near sea level, with one exception. Cinchona Botanical Gardens is in the Blue Mountains of eastern Jamaica, at an elevation of 1,493 metres (4,898 feet).


Average annual temperatures in Jamaica
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
89 73 Kingston 31 23
86 72 Montego Bay 30 22
85 74 Morant Point 29 23
84 69 Port Antonio 29 21
71 56 Cinchona Gardens 22 13


Average total precipitation in a year
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
93 Kingston 32.0 813
113 Montego Bay 43.7 1110
Morant Point 121.3 3082
Port Antonio 64.3 1634
142 Cinchona Gardens 91.9 2335


Relative humidity (%): morning and afternoon annual averages
Place am pm
Kingston 81 67
Morant Point 85 79
Port Antonio 87 78
Cinchona Gardens 86 85


Average hours of sun a year
Place Hours
Kingston 2920
Port Antonio 2519
Cinchona Gardens 1570

Jamaica Meteorological Service. Climate.

Temperature & Rainfall
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