January Weather in Panama:
Average Temperature, Rain, Sunshine & Humidity

The tables below give the typical January temperatures, rainfall, sunshine and humidity for cities and towns in Panama.

There's information on the maximum and minimum average daily temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. Each place also has totals for how much precipitation and how many days of wet weather it usually gets this month. The temperature and rain data are averages for the years 1971 to 2000.

Farther down the page you'll find lists for the amounts of bright sunshine and relative humidity each place receives in January. These measurements are averages based on historical climate data collected over long periods of time.


Average January temperatures
High °F Low °F Place Province High °C Low °C
92 70 Antón Coclé 33 21
87 69 Bocas Town Bocas del Toro 31 20
92 66 Chitré Herrera 34 19
94 66 David Chiriquí 35 19
92 65 Panama City Panamá 33 19
94 64 Santiago Veraguas 34 18


Average total precipitation in January
Days Place Province Inches Milli­metres
2 Antón Coclé 1.2 31
17 Bocas Town Bocas del Toro 4.9 124
1 Chitré Herrera 0.5 12
3 David Chiriquí 1.3 33
3 Panama City Panamá 1.2 29
2 Santiago Veraguas 0.9 23


Hours of bright sunshine in January on average
Place Province Day Year
Antón Coclé 8.0 247
Bocas Town Bocas del Toro 4.3 133
Chitré Herrera 8.2 255
David Chiriquí 8.9 276
Panama City Panamá 6.8 212
Santiago Veraguas 7.6 235


January relative humidity (%) averages
Place Province Humidity
Antón Coclé 72
Bocas Town Bocas del Toro 81
Chitré Herrera 68
David Chiriquí 68
Panama City Panamá 70
Santiago Veraguas 66

Empresa de Transmision Electrica, S.A. (ETESA). Republica de Panama. Clima. Datos Climáticos Históricos.

World Meteorological Organization. World Weather Information Service. Panama.

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