May Weather in Dominican Republic

The tables below give the normal May temperature and rainfall for cities and popular vacation spots in Dominican Republic.

The month's temperatures and rainfall are averages of weather data collected from 1961 to 1990.

If you compare the temperatures for different places or months, you'll find they're similar. What does change remarkably around the country and over the year is rainfall.


Average May temperatures in Dominican Republic
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
87 74 Barahona 30 23
88 72 La Romana 31 22
89 72 Montecristi 32 22
88 68 Puerto Plata 31 20
85 74 Punta Cana 30 23
89 71 Samana 32 22
88 68 San Juan 31 20
89 70 Santiago 32 21
87 72 Santo Domingo 30 22


Average total precipitation in May
Days counts those when it rains at least 1 millimetre (0.04 inches)
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
11 Barahona 6.6 169
8 La Romana 3.6 91
6 Montecristi 2.4 60
12 Puerto Plata 5.4 137
10 Punta Cana 4.9 124
10 San Juan 5.6 142
11 Santiago 6.0 151
11 Santo Domingo 7.4 188

República Dominicana. ONAMET Oficina Nacional de Meteorologia.

Dominican Republic
Temperature & Rainfall
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