Average Sunshine a Year in Costa Rica

The table below gives yearly averages how much sun cities and towns in Costa Rica receive. Listed for each place are the average number of hours of bright sun daily, plus the total amount of bright sun in a typical year.

The sunshine numbers are averages based on weather data collected over many years.

Average hours of bright sunshine
Place Province Day Year
Alajuela Alajuela 6.6 2409
Barva Alajuela 6.1 2227
Buenos Aires Puntarenas 5.2 1898
Cañas Guanacaste 6.7 2446
Liberia Guanacaste 7.4 2701
Limón Limón 5.0 1825
Nicoya Guanacaste 6.7 2446
Puntarenas Puntarenas 6.7 2446
Quepos Puntarenas 5.8 2117
San José San José 5.7 2081
Turrialba Cartago 4.5 1643
Upala Alajuela 4.6 1679

Kristel Heinrich Bettoni, Rafael Pacheco Cubero, Manuel Solera Flores and Minor Alfaro Hernandez. 2010. Series De Brillo Solar En Costa Rica. Ministerio del Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional.

Costa Rica Sunshine
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