Average Precipitation for Japan in March

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall plus snowfall during March at cities and towns in Japan. Each place has a total for how many days of wet weather it usually gets this month and for the normal amount of precipitation.

The calculation of days only includes the days when precipitation totalled at least one millimetre (0.04 inches).

The month's precipitation statistics are long-term historical averages of weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: Hokkaidō, Tōhoku, Kantō, Chūbu, Kansai, Chūgoku Shikoku, Kyūshū and Okinawa.


Average monthly precipitation in March
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
9 Abashiri 1.7 44
14 Asahikawa 2.1 54
13 Hakodate 2.3 59
6 Obihiro 1.7 42
14 Sapporo 3.1 78
9 Tomakomai 2.0 52
12 Wakkanai 2.0 50


March averages for total rainfall plus snowfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
14 Aomori 2.8 70
8 Fukushima 3.0 76
9 Iwaki 4.2 108
11 Morioka 3.2 81
7 Sendai 2.7 68


Average amount of rain and snow in March
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
11 Chiba 4.3 110
17 Hachijo-jima Island 12.1 309
8 Maebashi 2.4 62
10 Nikko 4.3 109
10 Tokyo 4.6 118
9 Utsunomiya 3.5 88
11 Yokohama 5.5 141


Precipitation totals for March
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
14 Aikawa, Sado Island 3.6 92
10 Gifu 5.6 143
10 Hamamatsu 5.9 149
16 Kanazawa 6.3 159
10 Nagano 2.3 59
9 Nagoya 4.8 122
16 Niigata 4.4 113
10 Shizuoka 8.5 217


Total precipitation during March
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
9 Himeji 3.8 96
10 Kobe 3.9 99
10 Kyoto 4.5 113
11 Nara 4.1 103
10 Osaka 4.1 104
10 Tsu 4.3 110
10 Wakayama 3.8 97


Average amount of precipitation in March
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
9 Fukuyama 3.3 85
10 Hiroshima 4.9 124
10 Kure 4.3 110
14 Matsue 5.2 133
9 Okayama 3.4 87
15 Tottori 5.6 142
12 Yamaguchi 6.0 154


March precipitation averages
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
10 Kochi 7.5 190
10 Matsuyama 4.0 102
10 Takamatsu 3.2 83
10 Tokushima 3.7 95


Total March precipitation
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
11 Fukuoka 4.4 113
13 Kagoshima 7.1 180
11 Kumamoto 5.4 138
11 Miyazaki 7.2 182
11 Nagasaki 5.2 132
10 Oita 4.4 112
12 Wadomari, Okinoerabu Island 6.2 156
17 Yakushima Island Airport 16.9 428


Average March precipitation
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
13 Iriomote Island 5.9 149
10 Ishigaki Island 5.2 132
14 Kume 8.0 202
12 Miyakojima 5.4 138
13 Nago 6.0 153
12 Naha 6.4 161
14 Yonaguni Island 6.0 152

Japan Meteorological Agency. Historical weather data retrieval.

Japan Precipitation
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