Monthly Humidity Averages for Vermont

The humidity averages for each month are listed below for Burlington, Vermont.

The Morning relative humidity percentages are for 7 am and Afternoon measures are for 1 pm local standard time. All numbers are averages from decades of weather records.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold.

Average relative humidity (%) for Burlington, Vermont
Daily   Morning Afternoon
69 January 73 64
67 February 73 60
66 March 74 57
62 April 72 51
61 May 72 50
65 June 76 54
66 July 78 53
69 August 82 56
72 September 84 59
70 October 80 59
71 November 77 64
72 December 76 67
68 Annual 77 58

National Climatic Data Center. Comparative Climatic Data.

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