November Weather in Belize:
Average Temperature, Rain, Humidity & Storms

The tables below list the typical November temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius) and rainfall (in total days, inches and millimetres) for cities and towns in Belize. All the temperature and precipitation numbers are monthly averages of weather measurements collected from 1991 to 2020. The number days with wet weather counts the days when rainfall amounts to over 1 millimetre (0.04 inches).

There's also information on this month's average humidity levels in Belize City. Plus there's data here on the likelihoods of named tropical storms and hurricanes approaching Belize during November.


Average November temperatures
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
85 72 Belize City 29 22
85 69 Belmopan 29 21
85 71 Dangira 30 22
87 68 Orange Walk 31 20
86 69 Punta Gorda 30 20


Total monthly precipitation averages for November
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
13 Belize City 9.3 236
13 Belmopan 7.9 202
14 Dangira 10.0 255
9 Libertad 4.5 114
10 Orange Walk 4.9 124
13 Punta Gorda 10.4 265

Sunshine — Belize City gets 184 hours of sunshine on average in November, equal to 6 sunny hours a day.

Humidity — Belize City has an average relative humidity in the afternoon during November of 77 percent.

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

There's a 4 percent probability that a named tropical storm will approach within 100 miles (165 km) of Belize during November. Hurricanes are unlikely this time of year.


Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. Hurricane Research Division

National Meteorological Service of Belize. Climatology (1991-2020).

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. WMO Climate Normals. Station Data Files. Index of /archive/arc0216/0253808/1.1/data/0-data/Region-4-WMO-Normals-9120/Belize.

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

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